SMFCSD needs new Middle School Gyms!
We, the undersigned, believe that the middle schools in San Mateo Foster City School District (Abbott, Bayside, Borel & Bowditch) deserve updated facilities. Specifically, that each needs a gymnasium that can accommodate the growing enrollment, serve as a center for school and community events, and provide a safe environment for students in physical education and after-school activities. The current structures are not even gyms but original “multi-purpose” rooms, designed to serve just a fraction of the current populations. Our middle school kids need an athletic space where they won’t run into walls, trip over obstructions or risk injury with a fall to the floor. In addition, a gymnasium serves as the heart of a middle school and is important for hosting events ranging from assemblies to parent nights. Nearly all of the 12,000 SMFCSD children will pass through one of these four schools and reap the benefits. We believe that the voting community, consisting of past, present and future families, will only support a bond that includes these upgrades.