Stop ALL MERS Foreclosures NOW!
Steve Green 0

Stop ALL MERS Foreclosures NOW!

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Mers Cease and Desist Order on All Foreclosures:

 John O'Brien is a man on a mission.

The South Essex register of deeds he 

refused to accept two documents purportedly signed by "Linda Green" — a name that appears on nearly 300 other mortgage documents already on file at the South Essex registry and on thousands of other mortgage documents being filed around the country.

Foreclosed From Iraq: Father Seeks To Preserve Home As Son Fights Abroad

Aaron is 20 years old, and he's been in the Army for about a year and a half. A few weeks ago, his squad was hit with an improvised explosive device. Everybody survived, but it frightened both the soldier and his family. The Army told Aaron he could go anywhere he wanted. And of all the places in the world he could visit, Aaron wants to go home.

But Aaron might not have a home to come home to. Collette has been defending his house from foreclosure since 2008. It's currently scheduled to be auctioned off on June 20.

Read the full story at

Latest Story

National mortgage fraud 

scandal spreads to the judiciary

While the U. S. Department of Justice is actively prosecuting mortgage and 
foreclosure fraud, a national organization that helps homeowners avoid foreclosure 
has evidence that certain state judges appear to be 
protecting lawbreakers. Billions of dollars have been received by corporations
in the foreclosure industry since the Great Recession began. 
Read the full story at

Documents have been referred to as "robo-signed" — generated by a Georgia-based company called Docx.

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has just signed a Cease and Desist settlement agreement with MERS Corp (Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems). Among other things, the Cease and Desist order finds,

“We have identified certain deficiencies and unsafe or unsound practices by MERS and MERSCORP that present financial, operational, compliance, legal and reputational risks to MERSCORP and MERS. 

“MERS Corp is the owner of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems (MERS), one of the cornerstones of the current banking crisis.

In order to cut up loans and move the pieces around the world at the speed of electronics again and again and again, until no one is sure who owns what, financial institutions have been using MERS as the “beneficiary”, a legal term which in practical terms means they are entitled to foreclose on behalf of the lender – except MERS is nothing more than an electronic database. They are often named as beneficiary.

However in order to legally be named as beneficiary they would have had to put up funds on the loan. Not to mention the fact that the recordation itself is not even official. BUT most importantly, MERS is never a Holder in Due Course.”

Everyone knew that MERS didn’t have the right to appear as a beneficiary, but it would have been inconvenient to act on this because MERS was in widespread use throughout the banking industry. It was wrong, wrong, wrong, but everyone was doing it.

All Foreclosures Associated with MERS must Cease and Desist... NOW!

All Robo Signed Mortgage Documents must be Voided 

Sign Our Petition to Stop all MERS Foreclosure NOW!

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