Soccer Fields for Aiken
Please consider signing our petition. The world’s most popular sport is getting ignored in Aiken. In fact, the Aiken Soccer Cup is the second largest revenue generator the City of Aiken has behind the Master’s. The City of Aiken Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Department has nothing to do with the Aiken Soccer Cup. The polo community allows an Augusta soccer club to access their fields.Why does the city ignore soccer? My understanding is the City of Aiken uses the soccer revenue to fund baseball and softball. If this is not true, then where is the evidence of any investment into soccer in Aiken? We have no true soccer fields or fields with lights. How many baseball fields do we have? Can you imagine baseball fields in Aiken with no lights? I invite you to come see a city soccer game. They are being played right now every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at Citizen’s Park. Please look at the poor field conditions. Look at the large number of families involved in youth soccer. This is a disservice to the children of Aiken. Sign our petition today. Let the city of Aiken know how many of our youth love soccer and want new soccer fields with lights.