SOE Work Free Lunch/Recess
I went to school to have lunch with my son today on his birthday. His best friend, who is in his class and always sits with him, was sent to a table at the far end of the lunch room to sit by himself. I asked my son why his friend had to sit at this vast table all by his lonesome. He told me that if you did not finish work in your class room you had to sit by yourself at lunch and finish the work. This also holds true for recess. I was appalled. The kids already have such a short time for lunch and now they add the pressure of finishing work? He didn't finish 1 worksheet in class and he was banished to a table by himself where not only did he have to eat by himself, but then had the added pressure of not being able to relax for 25 minutes and enjoy his lunch. Shouldn't that be time for them to relax and socialize a little bit and not worry about work? The boy did not act out in class, he didn't harm another student, he wasn't disruptive, why did he have to sit by himself the whole lunch period? I understand that work must be completed and the teachers are under an enormous amount of pressure to have a certain number of grades per grading period, but I want my child to be able to eat lunch and play with his friends no matter what. This time is their right, not a privilege.