S.O.S Save our surgery --- The Norwood Surgery.

S.O.S Save our surgery --- The Norwood Surgery.
This petition is to save The Norwood Surgery from being closed and patients dispersed to other surgeries.
If you wish that the surgery remain near or at its current location, please help by signing this petition
you may call into the Adarshi Pharmacy to sign a paper petition.
Please send your comments to the email below which will be used solely for providing the interested parties of the outcome and any news with respect to the surgery closer. We need all patients and interested parties to leave their email contact to affect future news and action.
Please email any suggestion you may have and any comments about the surgery and why it is important to you will help.
Please send this petition to any one you feel would be affected by the closure of the surgery to sign the petition. https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/sos-save-our-s...
The more the signatures we have the stronger will be our case to save the surgery from closing.
EMAIL: savenorwoodsurgery@outlook.com
Twitter: @saveoursurgery1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SOSSaveoursurgeryTheNorwo...
Lobby your local MP to act.
Also email NHS England who is the body in charge of the future of the surgery to hold a meeting and consider all available options to save the surgery from closing and not become a victim of Government cost cutting.
NHS England contact. email ---- nhscb.lon-sth-pcc@nhs.net
Telephone 0203 182 4996 [ NHS England]
An alternative already suggested is to relocate two doors away from the current location at a vacant property/premises available.
Time of surgery closure is 30th of April 2017.
Please act now or loose the surgery. We need to act fast.