South Boston Residents against Hotel

We the residents of South Boston are opposed to the plan. This project violates many variances and restrictions that have been in place to protect the South Boston community under Article 57 of the St. Vincent’s Neighborhood District . Hotels are a forbidden venue, the maximum height limit is 35 feet, there are parking requirements under article 57, the FAR exceeds allowed ratio and there are no setbacks for this proposal etc. under article 57 of the St. Vincent’s Neighborhood District. The height and dimension of this hotel is too big for this area and will cause numerous problems including traffic, congestion and crime etc. This is a safety concern for our residents, especially the many middle and high school students that wait for bus transportation across the street from this location. There is a child care center and walk zone elementary school less than 300 feet away. Broadway Station is utilized by many South Boston residents as their only way for transportation to and from work, school, shopping and recreation. We feel this is a project better suited for a non-residential area because hotel’s bring transient people to the area. The South Boston Community was not properly informed about a public meeting held on August 20th, the meeting was advertised once in the South Boston Online, August 15th edition not likely to be noticed. Our community feels the developers did not satisfy community meeting requirements, nor were we fairly represented for the opposing side at the BRA meeting.