South Loop Against New McDonalds
We, the persons living in and doing business in the South Loop and in the vicinity of Eleven City Diner, are writing to petition against the rental of address 1112 S Wabash Avenue for the development of McDonald’s or other fast food business. The space is currently leased to long time restaurant Eleven City Diner, which is a small business that has added value to our South Loop community. It holds reasonable hours, closing after the late lunch time. They keep their area clean and safe and it promotes small business. We believe their eviction and the installation of a McDonald’s or other fast food business decreases the value of our block and our neighborhood. We are very concerned about increased crime and trash. We are worried about how late fast food restaurants stay open, crime, noise, loitering, and solicitation. It is well documented that crime significantly increases (cited below) in these situations. We already have severe issues with double parking and traffic obstruction on Wabash Avenue due to Chipotle, Jet’s Pizza and Lowcountry. We are concerned about this becoming worse with another fast food restaurant as people will double park. Longer hours only increase the potential for more crime in the South Loop. We already have safety challenges from these businesses as we cannot safely enter or exit our garages due to double parked cars blocking visibility. We do not support this venture and ask that you please consider reconciliation with Eleven City Diner or to bring in a business that adds to our sense of safety and community value.