Special Ethics Education
Coleen MacKinnon 0

Special Ethics Education

2389 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
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St James Ethics Centre (the Centre), the NSW Federation of P and C Associations (P and C) and a cross-section of community leaders have requested ministerial approval to pilot a course in ethics to serve as a complement to scripture in NSW primary schools. The pilot was proposed at the July 2009 P and C AGM where a motion to provide such a course was tabled and unanimously passed. Community interest has been mounting over the last number of years. For example, a 2004 P and C survey revealed that 59% of parents thought it was important or very important that their child be given the option of attending a secular, ethics-based course. More recently, a consultation of community leaders indicated broad support for such a course on the basis that all children have the right to ethical exploration, regardless of whether it’s tied to a particular religious tradition. Outcomes of the pilot would permit Minister Firth to assess the need for and impact of an ethics-based course. But we need your help to convince the Minister to proceed. Encourage Minister Firth to say YES! to pilot an ethics-based complement to scripture We, the undersigned, urge Minister Firth to approve the pilot project to test the concept of offering an ethics-based complement to Scripture.


Presented by: NSW Federation of P and C Associations St James Ethics Centre


St James Ethics Centre: http://www.ethics.org.au/ If you would like to join our discussion forum: http://www.ethics.org.au/ethics_forum/ Click here to donate to the ethics-based complement to scripture project: http://www.ethics.org.au/resources/forms/donate.asp Find us on Twitter (create link) Find us on Facebook (create link)
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