Speed Citi Track Expansion

WE NEED YOUR HELP!! Track Expansion hearing being held on December 5th at 9:00 a.m. at the Talbot County Court House, Council Chambers. We need your support! I know it is a weekday, but if anyone can make it, it will be greatly appreciated. Petition available for signatures at the Track Saturday and Sunday or at Delmarva Power Sports in Salisbury. Hours are Tues - Friday 9-6 and Saturday 9-4. Also available here and on Facebook. If everyone in support of expansion could just respond with "we support the cause", we can print it out and take it to the hearing. The more support we can show the better our chances. We really all need to rally together to keep as many riding spots going as we possibly can. It seems like the oppositions voice is heard louder than ours. Thanks in advance for your support and lets RIDE!!!