Speed Trap in Kiowa, CO on county road 45
On or before July 31, 2015, the Town of Kiowa changed a speed limit from 50 MPH to 25 MPH for approximately 500' on south bound county road 45 from the southern edge of the neighborhood. This stretch borders open fields on the east and west side. Many people have already received very hefty speeding tickets and were not aware of the change, they were use to the "old speed limit" for many years. When this change was made, the small 25 MPH speed limit sign replaced the previous 50 MPH and was not flagged to draw attention. There has been no "grace period" or a PSA by the Town of Kiowa warning drivers of the change. Last winter the previous 30 MPH stretch was reduced to 25 MPH and a new School Zone sign with flashing lights was installed. This was obviously for community safety. This new change can not be for community safety and appears to be a revenue generator.
We The People demand the following;
1. The Town of Kiowa cancels all citations that were written along this new 25 MPH zone from the day the sign was put up until a 1 month grace period after the changes have been made.
2. This stretch be changed to 35 MPH to match the north bound speed limit along this stretch.
3. An additional southbound speed limit 25 MPH sign be placed at the "end school zone" sign.
4. A new sign northbound (south of 200') the speed limit 35 MPH sign that reads "Reduced Speed Ahead".
5. All signs along this stretch in both directions be flagged with red flags on both sides.