Swimmers want Speedo Vending Kiosks at City of Los Angeles and Culver City pools
This is a petition to the City of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation - Citywide Aquatics Division Administrators and to the City of Culver City Aquatics to show them swimmers are interested in having vending kiosks that sell swimsuits, goggles, caps and other accessory items at their city pools. Most city facilities do not sell swimwear and accessory items on-site. Those that do have anemic selections at high prices. If you're a swimmer and you get to the pool just to realize you forgot your goggles or the cap you brought is torn or your suit has a hole in it, your workout is ruined and your time is wasted. With no option to purchase these items at the pool, swimmers find themselves skipping a workout and wasting time in traffic to go to the nearest sporting goods store. This is all about customer convenience! Its placing frequently purchased items where people are using them. Does anything make more sense than selling swimsuits, goggles and caps at a... SWIMMING POOL???? Please sign this petition and it will be forwarded to Trish Delgado at the Citywide Aquatics Division and Diego Cevallos, Aquatics Coordinator at the Culver City Plunge. Thank you for voicing your support!