To City of Stamford, please reduce our Property Taxes!

Let's continue the pursuit of lowering our Stamford property taxes! Please sign and forward this petition.
Thank you for your signatures this spring! The City of Stamford did not raise our taxes last month. While it is published that, during the five hour meeting, some city representatives said they regretted their pledges to not raise taxes, the Mill Rate held. We would like to hope that your voices and signatures helped to hold the Mill Rate firm.
However, it is not enough to hold firm. We must REDUCE our Mill Rate.
The current economics are unsustainable for Stamford. Better and balanced solutions are needed to fund Stamford or the rising property taxes will continue to lower our home values thus driving residents away to other towns and states.
Now more than ever, during this financial crisis resulting from our tragic COVID-19 pandemic, we all need RELIEF. Every household is impacted.
Please reduce our Property Taxes now!
With your comments on this petition, we shall bring it to the Mayor and Board of Finance.
Concerned Residents of Stamford"