"Stand your ground"
State Sen. Stephen Brewer has the gun-control lobby fuming over his proposal for a “stand your ground” self-defense law — a bill that would bring to Massachusetts the same legal protection that has activists nationwide screaming for the arrest of a Florida man who gunned down an unarmed teen last month. “Stand your ground” law, allowing people to use deadly force against attackers in public. It is one of 21 states that have such a law. Brewer’s bill removes all civil and criminal liability from people who use deadly force against their attackers in public, and it frees them from having to first try to escape the situation. The bill has 27 co-sponsors. The above has been quoted from http://www.bostonherald.com/news/politics/view/20220325stand_your_ground_coming_to_bay_state_senator_aims_for_mass_version_of_controversial_law_cited_in_fla_slaying/srvc=home&position=0