Upload Fiz's porn of our characters! :O :D :O :D
maya butte 0

Upload Fiz's porn of our characters! :O :D :O :D

12 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
maya butte 0 Comments
12 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

We are petitioning for the further creation and distribution of Fiz's drawings of our characters. Fiz are ridden with win and sexy harassment of several minors. The characters used in the drawings are not copyrighted drawings by Angus McQuade, Shadowfox and Sophie, respectively known as AngusNitro41, Shadowfox118 and Tokiku-Neko, and are being used with full and appreciated consent of the artists. Besides [insert contradictory word here], we would like to thank the creator of ED for harassing AngusNitro41, Shadowfox118 and Tokiku-Neko through MSN and various other ways (hint: negative asscock). We demand that Fiz and other ED members keep making the delightful pages and continue harassing people with superb material and sexy insults. We would like to ask your help in this by supporting us and sign the petition. Thank you in advance.

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