Dear Colleagues,
outlined in NCA President Steven Beebe’s December 13, 2013 email to the
membership, we are being asked in January to vote on a proposal “to replace the
current constitution and bylaws with a single new bylaws document.”[1]
the undersigned members of NCA encourage you to vote no on the proposed bylaw
change. We acknowledge the need to address genuine concerns about our governing
documents and structure, but as the discussion during the Legislative Assembly
meeting in 2013 made clear, the proposed changes go too far in curtailing the
powers of the membership. We strongly believe that the proposed bylaws would do
more harm than good and implore the NCA to engage the full membership in a
public and transparent process to produce a new bylaws document that will
preserve the key functions of the Legislative Assembly and its broad
representation of membership.
By removing nearly all legislative power from the Legislative Assembly, the proposed bylaws run contrary to the history and spirit of NCA as an association governed by its broad and diverse membership. Likewise, by making the Legislative Assembly essentially an advisory body rather than a legislating body, it violates the association’s commitments to ethical communication and deliberative democracy as articulated in the NCA Ethical Credo[2] its current constitution and bylaws,[3] as well as the principles of academic freedom as articulated in NCA and the AAUP statement on governance.[4] The proposed bylaws governance structure will severely curtail the power of the legislative assembly to directly legislate on matters such as:
a. the creation and dissolution of divisions, caucuses, and sections;
b. the ratification of future bylaws and amendments;
c. the authorization of rights, privileges, services and obligations of members;
d. the designation of dues, fees and oversight of the allocation of funds;
e. the approval of the annual LA meeting agenda;
f. the election of the Executive Director;
g. the establishment of policies and the ability to direct the executive committee to implement these policies;
h. the establishment of boards, ad hoc, and standing committees and the ability to direct the boards to implement these policies;
i. the right to instruct the Resolutions Committee to prepare motions for the next
annual meeting;
j. the right to elect or establish a nomination and election procedure to replace incapacitated officers;
k. the right to grant affiliation status to other organizations.
diminishing the power of the Legislative Assembly, the proposed bylaws
governance structure furthers the distance between members and the leadership.
For example, as described in the association’s documents, “the Legislative
Assembly serves a key liaison function between the leadership and the broader
Given that members of the LA serve on behalf of their divisions, sections, and
caucuses, their participation in NCA governance guarantees a truly
representative degree of plurality in terms of the voice and vote of the
In recent years the power of the Legislative Assembly has been a vital force in the preservation of academic freedom and the protection of the membership. The power of the Legislative Assembly not merely to advise but to legislate has protected members from a recent attempt to censor program and paper titles at the annual convention as well as ensured that publication contracts contain key provisions for authors’ use of their own works. Without the capacity of the Legislative Assembly to make policy, the members of NCA would likely never have benefited from those protections.
Given the ease with which academic freedom is lost whenever broad faculty governance is diminished, as well as the importance of the LA’s ability to exercise the will of the membership, we urge you to vote no on the proposed new bylaws. Let us then take the coming year to engage the whole of the membership and produce a document that can resolve the critical issues with our existing bylaws without reducing the Legislative Assembly to a merely advisory body.
Sincerely yours,
Lipari, Past Chair, Communication Ethics
Melissa Cook, Immediate Past Chair, Communication Ethics
J. Gehrke, Past Chair, Communication Ethics
Annette Holba; Vice Chair, Philosophy of Communication, Past Chair Communication Ethics
Chris Poulous, Immediate Past Chair, Ethnography ; Past Chair, Communication Ethics Division
Hoffer, Vice-Chair, Communication Ethics
Bert Ballard, Chair, Communication Ethics Division
McKendree, Treasurer, Communication Ethics
Jovanovic, Past Chair, Communication Ethics
Janie Harden Fritz, Past President, Eastern Communication Association
C. Arnett, Past Chair, Communication Ethics
Chase, Past Chair, Communication Ethics
Bell McManus, Vice-Chair Elect, Communication Ethics
Leavitt, Communication Ethics
J. Hyde, Communication Ethics
Belle A. Edson, Feminist and Women's Studies
Jack Daiel, Black Cacucus
Justin P. Boren, Legislative Assembly Representative and former Chair, Caucus on LGBTQ Concerns
Oh, A/PA Caucus & Division, Critical/Cultural Studies
Margaret Mullan, Communication Ethics
Cem Zeytinoglu, Communication Ethics, Philosophy of Communication, Rhetorical and Communication Theory
Mesaros Winckles, Religious Communication
Anastacia Kurylo, Social Construction
David Weiss, Mass Comm, Political Comm
Betsy Brunner, Critical Cultural
Toniesha Taylor, Asia-Pacific American Communication Studies, Black Caucus
Mariko Izumi, Asia-Pacific American Division & Caucus
Lynn Majocha, Religious Communication
Gajjala, Immediate Past Chair, Critical Cultural Studies
Andrew R. Smith, Philosophy of Communication; Communication Ethics; Freedom of Speech
Jenny Korn, Graduate Students
Michelle Rodino-Colocino, Critical and Cultural Studies
Marianne Pabis, Communication Ethics
Kevin T. Jones, Rhetoric and Public Address
Anthony M. Wachs, Philosophy of Communication
Bob Glenn, Community College, Political Comm
Mark Hickson, Applied Communication
Richard L Lanigan, Philosophy of Communication
Richard Rock,
Laura Russell, Communication Ethics
Susan Drucker, Freedom of Expression
Donnetrice Allison, Black Caucus
Donyale Padgett, AACCD/Black Caucus
Pat Arneson, Communication Ethics
Sandra Faulkner, Ethnography/IP/Feminist
Reslie Cortes, US Japan Communication
Lynda Dixon, ethnography
James R. Pickett, Communication Ethics, Philosophy of Communication, Public Relations
Hazel Cole, Black Caucus
Mindy Fenske, Performance Studies
Christine Davis, CASC, Ethnography
Jennifer Tyburczy, Performance Studies/LGBTQ/Critical Cultural
Tristan Booth, GLBTQ Communication Studies
Ken Sherwood, Forensics and Argument
Elizabeth McLaughlin,
Elvera Berry, Phil Com; Rhetoric; K. Burke
Jodi Nimmo,
Dana L. Cloud, Rhetoric and Communication Theory, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies
Kathleen Feyh, RCT
Stephen K. Boss,
Paul Mabrey, Argumentation & Forensics
stephanie houston grey, Rhetoric
Karma R. Chavez, GLBTQ, FWSD, Latin@
Lisa Corrigan, Public Address, Black Caucus, Women's Caucus, PoliComm
Ragan Fox, Performance Studies
Brianna Abate, Critical/Cultural Studies
Alyssa Reid, American Forensic Association
Kristen Blinne, Chair, Spiritual Communication Division
Ben Krueger Winona, Rhetorical and Communication Theory
Valerie Thatcher, Environmental
William Keith, Rhetorical and Communication Theory
Eleanor Amy Lockhart, Rhetoric and Public Affairs
Matthew May, Rhetoric and Communication Theory
Brittany Peterson, Org com
Roy Schwartzman, Past President, Association for the Rhetoric of Science & Technology
Karen Lovaas, American Studies, GLBTQ
Daniel Wildeson,
Christy-Dale Sims, CCSD, RCT, FWSD
Diana Tucker, PR and Org Comm Division
Benny LeMaster, Performance studies
Amy Darnell, Performance Studies
Sarah McGhee, Ethnogrpahy
Jason Del Gandio, Rhetoric and Communication Theory
Craig Gingrich-Philbrook, Performance Studies
Amber Kelsie,
Heather Curry, Philosophy of Communication
Jonathan Gray, Environmental Communication, Performance Studies
Robert Carlsen, International/Intercultural
Richard L. Johannesen, Past Chair Communication Ethics Division
Rebecca M. Kennerly, Performance Studies
Bruce Swain, Mass Communication
V. Peterson, Communication Ethics, American Studies
Lollar, Ethics
Emily Cripe, Health Communication
Karen Whedbee, Communication Ethics Division
Eicher-Catt, Past Chair, Philosophy of Communication
Elizabeth Jeter, Ethnography
Carl Burgchardt, Public Address; Mass Media
Wendy Anderson, Rhetoric
Sandy Pensoneau-Conway, Basic Course
T. Randahl Morris, Vice Chair, VisComm Division
Christopher L. Johnstone, Assoc. Prof. Emeritus, Penn State University, Communication Ethics Greg Hummel, LGBTQ Division
Brent Northup, Past chair, Communication Ethics Division Past chair, Communication Ethics
Craig Maier, Communication Ethics
Lindsay Greer, Performance Studies
Jennifer Tuder, Performance Studies Division
Stephanie Martinez, Ethnography, Organizational
Joel S Ward, Philosophy of Communication
Jonathan Crist, Communication Ethics Division
Lori Peterson, Ethnography
Rod Carveth, Public Relations
Corinne Weisgerber, Human Communication & Technology
Butler, Visual Communication
Lisa Barry, Mass Communication
L. Freitag, Performance Studies
Shawn D. Long, African American Communication and Culture Division and the Intercaucus Committee
Brent C Sleasman, Communication Ethics
Steve Macek, Critical/Cultural Studies
Adria Battaglia, Freedom of Expression Division
Constance Gordon,
Calvin L. Troup, Philosophy of Communication
Mark Meister, Ethics
Tompkins, Past Chair Communication Ethics
Julie W. Morgan, Comm Ethics
Star Muir, HCTD and Rhetoric
Jessica Sturgess, Philosophy of Communication
Tammy Swenson Lepper, Communication Ethics (Past Chair)
michael kaplan, critical/cultural communication
fran hassencahl, Feminist and Women's Studies
William Kinsella, Environmental, Org, Peace & Conflict
Charles E. Morris III,
Kenneth Bohl, Comm Ethics
Richard Paine, National Forensic Association
Jill Burk, Communication Ethics Division,
Kevin J. Ayotte, Critical and Cultural Studies Division
[1] Beebe, S. A. (2013, December 13). NCA Special Announcement email sent to NCA membership.
[2] “Freedom of expression, diversity of perspective, tolerance of dissent to achieve the informed and responsible decision making fundamental to a civil society.” NCA Credo.
[3] As articulated in the NCA constitution and bylaws statements on parliamentary procedure.
[4] “Sound governance practice and the exercise of academic freedom are closely connected, arguably inextricably linked. While no governance system can serve to guarantee that academic freedom will always prevail, an inadequate governance system—one in which the faculty is not accorded primacy in academic matters—compromises the conditions in which academic freedom is likely to thrive.” AAUP Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities.
[5] Meeting of the 2012 Legislative Assembly minutes, p, 26.