Intellectual Virtues Academy Public High School
James McGrath 0

Intellectual Virtues Academy Public High School

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James McGrath 0 Comments
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Signatures needed by September 11, 2015:

Your eighth grader deserves a small, safe, and supportive learning community that fosters the critical thinking and reasoning skills sought by colleges and employers. The Intellectual Virtues Academy of Long Beach (IVA) recently received over $2 million to extend its highly successful middle school to create a tuition-free high school for the fall 2016. The grant was awarded after a comprehensive review by the John Templeton Foundation, which accepted less than 10% of all proposals from some of the top organizations and researchers in the world.

IVA is dedicated to developing good thinkers. Its intellectual virtues educational model combines rigorous engagement of academic subjects with an emphasis on intellectual virtues such as open-mindedness, humility, tenacity, and thoroughness. Its high school will include a comprehensive A-G college preparatory curriculum, AP courses, and extracurricular activities. See link for a recent article regarding the grant award:

See following link for draft of proposed charter:

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED PARENTS, agree to the contents of the attached charter school. Our signatures indicate that we are meaningfully interested in, but in no way obligates, having our child(ren) attend this proposed charter school in its first year of operation.

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