Make St. Francis Xavier University an Officially Bottled Water Free Campus

Whereas water privatization has detrimental impacts on the environment and adds additional cost to the user; and Whereas the manufacture and disposal of plastic bottles releases dangerous toxic chemicals and contaminants into the air, contributing to environmental degradation; and Whereas bottled water distribution requires fossil-fuel based transportation and contributes to global warming while tap water is energy efficient in its delivery; and Whereas public tap water is safe, healthy and significantly more accessible and environmentally sustainable than bottled water; and Whereas the system of public water provision for the town of Antigonish is reliable, subsidized and of high quality; and Whereas the bottled water industry is seeking to undermine public confidence in the public water system in order to reap additional profits; and Whereas public ownership of water sources is the only way to ensure adequate, accessible and clean drinking water for all; and Whereas ten University campuses across Canada have already committed to becoming bottled water free, and student groups at many other campuses are advocating for the same; Therefore we the undersigned call on the administration of St. Francis Xavier University to make a serious commitment to eliminate the sale and distribution of bottled water on campus, and to substantially improve access to public drinking water in all University buildings.