Stokey Bears Garden Petition

The summer is coming and we have an amazing outside space that we want to transform into a magical Stokey Bears garden for the summer.
We want to continue with the friendly, buzzy, community focused atmosphere inside by increasing our capacity and giving the wonderful people of Stoke Newington the opportunity to enjoy our food and drink outside.
The space will be child friendly and provide an area for children to play and be entertained. This is NOT a party space this is about enjoying the small amount of sun we are blessed with in London, so low level music, conversation and lots of laughs. We want everyone inside by 10.00pm, and will continue to respect our neighbours and the neighbourhood.
So please write anything positive here, past experiences, what Stokey Bears has brought to Stokey, and what it would mean for there to be a garden space beyond the restaurant.
Love is the message.......