Stop abuse of Inmates in Tennessee Prisons
Prisons are intact to rehabilitate inmates in a positive manner. Not intact for the officials to abuse inmates, or engage in criminal activity and then falsify reports so the blame falls upon inmates that are in reach of being paroled. Turney Center Correctional Facility in Only, Tennessee employees more criminals then it houses. Officer Kim Simms is employeed as a guard at Turney Center. This officer has committed adultery on prison grounds while on duty. She was seen on surveilance cameras leaving her post to meet with her husband in the employee parking lot and physically abused him. Simms was arrested on Felony domestic assault by Hickman County Sheriff's only to be allowed to report back to work as a correctional officer.How? and why is possible? Inmates who have personal property that they have requested to send home to their families are taken and burned in front of said inmates. This needs to be stopped I have tried to contact Senetors and congress with no response. Please sign this petition to help me and 1,000 of others whose family members are housed in this facility or any facility.There is so much more going on in the state prisons that we need to make our Congress aware of. Inmates being assaulted by guards, food and medical attention being denied to inmates. Inmates being sent to Solitare pending bogus investigations. Guards physically abusing inmates, and then writing reports to blame that are near parole eligibility. Therefore Inmates are denied parole. Also classes that are suppose to be offered to inmates are being with held from inmates. personal mail is being denied, and not getting returned to sender. There is so much going on to list. We need action to be taken and we need our state officals to respond to the numerous emails and phone calls that have been sent their way. The law is there to protect and serve not to abuse and deny. Help get this petition to the Senate. Prisons like Turney Center need to be shut down. Rehabilitate! not Discriminate. Hate crimes on inmates is Discrimination. Lets stop it