Stop ACTA! Save the Internets!
ACTA: The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement This agreement is being discussed by countries including but not limited to the U.S.A., Canada, Mexico and other countries. The agreement is similar to the SOPA/PIPA bills. The agreement states that a person may be criminally charged for uploading, sharing or posessing pirated copyrighted material. Seems normal doesn't it? WRONG! They will force ISPs to monitor what goes in and out of your computer. Every single data packet that is sent out, even a single kilobyte, will be checked by the ISP. If they detect copyrighted material such as a game, movie, music file, software program or even a link that has copyrighted material, you will face criminal charges. These charges include suspension from the entire internet, monetary fines or even time in federal prison. They will even tap phones and invade privacy for God's sake! So, if you uploaded a Micheal Jackson song, you would be put away longer than his doctor would be for practically killing him. I ask you ladies and gentlemen: is that fair? It is not. And I bet you are thinking: "What could go wrong? They won't find out!" Oh but yes they will son. The government will be allowed to monitor everything on your computer. Every file you download, every link you click, every episode of a show you watch on YouTube will be monitored. If they catch you, which they will, you could get put away for as long as commiting arson or murder! The FBI has already taken down Megaupload. The Pirate Bay will soon be next to go. What's next? YouTube? Facebook? Steam? All of them will be gone. And guess what the nations are doing with this bill! They are excluding America from the voting on it! That means everyone will be able to vote on it except U.S. Congress! The people of every nation belive that this is a violation of privacy and a revoking of civil rights and freedom. If any single government official who supports ACTA is reading this, you should be ashamed. Think of what you are doing. We all hope that you censor this. We dare you! How can we stop ACTA? We can't really completely stop it. The damage is close to already being done, but we can certainly slow it down until it halts. How you ask? Sign this petition. Please, for the sake of our great Internet, stop ACTA. Don't let them get away with it. If anyone out there opposes ACTA, please sign. You are not alone.