Stop baby genocide in Texas...stop SB 150 NOW
people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed
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Adam B. signed
just now
- Did you know?...
That 1.6 million babies a year die at the hands of an abortionist?
That since 1974 55 million babies have been murdered? Did you know that Texas has had a bill filed as of November 2018 that would make abortion legal up until term?
How do we reconcile this atrocity with God who said "For whatever you did not do for the least of these, you did not do for me." We can no longer allow our law makers and abortion promoting sect of society to demonically disguise abortion as "compassionate healthcare" for poor women. Because no matter how they build a web of lies, nothing changes the fact that abortion ends the life of a baby human.
Our Nation began it's abrupt moral decline when it chose to embrace an illegal law that allowed the murder of all children who were woven in the womb in the image of God. Roe vs Wade was a un-Constitutional lie perpetrated on America by those who seek to kill the most innocent for profit. And did you know Texas recently filed a "to term" abortion bill, SB 150 by Senator Jose Rodriguez out of ElPaso that was almost identical to the New York State abortion bill?!We have to stop this from gaining any support and reverse the baby genocide now!
Please sign your name to the petition below to tell this Senator and any other law maker in Texas that we will not allow this horror to continue in our great State of Texas.