STOP Commercial TOUR Buses at Kokololio Beach Park

Bill 48 simply adds Kokololio Beach Park to the list of other beaches protected from commercial activities by Bill 38
NOVEMBER 3, 2022
October 29, 2022
Dear Honolulu Council Chairperson Waters and Honolulu City Council Board Members,
We, the community members of District 2,The Moku of Koolauloa: Ka’a’awa, Punuluu, Hauula, Laie, Kahuku and Sunset are petitioning in support of Bill 48 to stop Commercial Tour Buses from offloading their paid customers to use the Kokololio Beach Park and Beach on their circle island tours. Bill 48 simply adds Kokololio Beach Park to the list of other beaches protected from commercial activities by Bill 38 in April of this year.
Why we care:
- Kokololio Beach Park is not staffed for increased usage the and wear and tear by additional hundreds of people daily
- Park for community and residential use and public users
- Preserve sacredness of Kokololio Beach Park known by Kupuna of Laie for Iwi buried along the sand berms
- Prevent further use of pollutants such as Sunscreen lotion due to traffic to sand berns along Kokololio Beach Park
- Preserve Park for residences for cultural activities such as tahitian drumming, dancing, soccer and camp sites
BILL 48 –
RELATING TO COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES AT PUBLIC PARKS. BE IT ORDAINED by the People of the City and County of Honolulu: SECTION 1. The purpose of this ordinance is to address commercial activities at certain beach parks. SECTION 2. Section 10-1 .2, Revised Ordinances of Honolulu 1990 (“Park rules and regulations”), as amended by Ordinance 21-34 and Ordinance 22-3, is amended by amending subsection (h) to read as follows: ‘(h) Commercial activities prohibited at parks. (1) Commercial activities, including recreational stops by commercial tour companies, but excluding commercial filming activities that take place from 1:00 p.m. on Saturdays through 6:30 a.m. on Mondays, are not allowed at any time at the following parks: (A) Kailua Beach Park; and (B) Kalama Beach Park. (2) Commercial aclivities, including recreational stops by commercial tour companies, but excluding commercial filming activities and shore water events, are not allowed at any time at the following parks: (A) Waiale’e Beach Park; (B) Sunset Beach Park; (C) ‘Ehukai Beach Park; (D) Püpükea Beach Park; (E) Waimea Bay Beach Park; (F) Haleiwa Ali’i Beach Park; (G) Kaiaka Bay Beach Park; and OCS2022-0632/8/1/2022 4:03 PM 1 ORDINANCE CITY COUNCIL CiTYAND COUNTYOF HONOLULU BILL 4 8 ( 2 0 2 2) A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE (H) The undeveloped portions of Hale’iwa Beach Park adjacent to Pua’ena Point. (3) Commercial activities, including recreational stops by commercial tour companies, but excluding movie or television filming activities permitted under Sections 1O-3.2(a)(1) and 1O-3.2(a)(2), are not allowed at any time at the following parks: (A) Makapu’u Beach Park; (B) KaupO Beach Park; (C) Kaiona Beach Park; (D) Waimanalo Beach Park; (E) Hunãnaniho; and (F) Bellows Field Beach Park.
We the undersigned call on the Honolulu City Council Members to vote in support of Bill 48 to make a difference in our community by keeping Kokololio Beach Park for the use of community and public use and preserve its purpose for environmental, cultural and historical habitat for our communities