Stop common core in Maryland
As you may know the new standards in our public school systems is the "common core". If you have not read up on the "common core" please take the time to see what your children, grandchildren and loved ones are being taught in school today. The "common core" is suppose to be getting our children ready for college but did you know that when your child reaches high school they are going to be told what classes they are going to be assigned to? They no longer have the option of choosing what they would like to be when the grow up they are told what they are going be. The "common core" has removed cursive from our curriculum, the reading is twice as much as is was before, the math well a simple division problem that should only take a child 2 steps now takes them 5 or 6 steps. The new "common core" testing (PARCC) is all done on the computer which is costing our schools millions of dollars. Please take a moment to sign this petition and let's get this "common core" out of our schools once and for all.