Stop Factory Farming

Not many people don’t realize how many products they eat are harmful not only to our bodies but are extremely harsh to our farm animals. People don't realize how cruel some farmers are to produce more of their product while putting these animals in extreme and awful conditions. Factory farming needs to be put to an end because shoving animals into tight confined cages and being violent to them is not right. Feeding these animals with hormones and antibiotics to prevent disease and maximize their growth and food output is not how to raise animals.
The tormenting to thousands of chickens, cows, pigs, turkeys, and ducks, is not healthy and is not the way we should treat the food we eat. Chickens, turkeys, and ducks are doubled in size with way less protein and way more fat in them than 40 years ago. Their beaks are cut off because they don't want cannibalism since they are stressed and overwhelmed in such a condemned place. Farm cows only live up to their 3 lactation, they usually live up to 20 years!
These animals never see light, they stand in their waste, are underfed and only re given wheat, soy, and corn which contains heavy amounts of pesticides that can stay in their body that can be passed down to us. Some of the popular brands of meat and poultry that we buy, are from caged chickens, and tortured cows and pigs. Factory farming should never exist, it is wrong. We deserve to be given healthier and better treated animals then what factoring farming does. It needs to be put to an end, it is not healthy for us, as well as these animals.
You can help by signing this petition, or buying free-range eggs and chicken. Help make a change for the world of today and rid the world of horrible farming. You can be the one that stops factory farming so why wait, be a life saver to help many farm animals.