Stop Fairfax Noise

Petition for Immediate Action to Address Noise Disturbance
To CD10, L.A. District Attorney, L.A.P.D.,
We, the undersigned residents and neighbors of the community surrounding 1030 S. Fairfax Blvd., L.A., hereby submit this petition to express our deep concern and frustration regarding the persistent noise disturbance emanating from the business located at that address. The excessive noise levels are causing significant inconvenience, distress, and a deterioration in the quality of life for those residing in the vicinity.
We believe in the importance of maintaining a peaceful and harmonious neighborhood, where residents can enjoy their homes, rest, and pursue their daily activities without undue disturbance. However, the ongoing noise issues originating from the aforementioned business have reached intolerable levels, negatively impacting our well-being and daily routines.
The noise disturbances, which occur throughout the day and night, These disturbances include amplified music, rowdy gatherings, shouting, banging doors, all-night parties with 100’s of people being charged admission; gunshots; screaming and fighting; construction and metal grinding outside and on the roof; rooftop comedy shows; drag racing in the alley, and other disruptive activities. These disturbances disrupt our sleep patterns, hinder our ability to concentrate on work or studies and deprive us of much-needed peace and tranquility within our own homes.
Furthermore, we wish to bring to your attention that numerous individual complaints have been made to the local authorities, including calls to the police department and relevant enforcement agencies. Despite these efforts, the noise disturbances have persisted, and no significant action has been taken to resolve the issue, leaving us feeling unheard and neglected.
Therefore, we respectfully request immediate attention and action to address this ongoing noise disturbance. Specifically, we request the following:
- Conduct a thorough investigation into the noise violations at the business located at 1030 S. Fairfax Blvd., L.A. This investigation should include on-site visits, noise level measurements, and consultation with affected residents.
- Enforce strict adherence to local noise regulations and ordinances applicable to businesses operating within our community. The business in question must be held accountable for maintaining noise levels within acceptable limits, particularly during late hours and early mornings.
- Implement appropriate penalties and repercussions for non-compliance with noise regulations. These penalties should act as a deterrent and ensure that the business takes necessary measures to minimize noise disturbances and prioritize the well-being of the surrounding community.
- Facilitate open and transparent communication between the business owner, landlord, building owner and affected residents. Establish a platform for dialogue, allowing grievances to be heard and addressed, and providing a mechanism for ongoing updates and resolution progress.
By signing this petition, we, the concerned residents, hope to convey the collective voice of the community and emphasize the urgency of resolving this matter. We believe that it is the responsibility of the relevant authorities to ensure a peaceful and livable environment for all residents and businesses in our neighborhood.
We sincerely hope that you will give this petition your utmost consideration and take immediate action to address the noise disturbances originating from the business at 1030 S. Fairfax Blvd., L.A. We eagerly await your prompt response and a positive resolution to this ongoing issue.
Thank you for your attention to our concerns and for your commitment to maintaining a harmonious community.
[Signatures of Concerned Residents]