Stop Forced Labor!
All around the world, children and laborers in general are being forced to do hard work for little to no pay, and law enforcement agencies are letting this happen. Even in the U.S., where there are laws against this, it is still happening. Companies get around the laws by outsourcing their products (ie: sending them to another country that doesn't have these laws so they can have cheaper labor).
"According to the U.S. Department of Labor, cotton is harvested with forced or child labor in at least fifteen supplier countries worldwide" (Free2Work, np). "Over 40% of the global supply originates in the Ivory Coast, where the U.S. Department of State reports that over 109,000 children work under the worst forms of child labor" (Free2Work, np). Children have long hours, use dangerous tools, are constantly exposed to pesticides (which can lead to severe health problems), and are denied an education. To find materials for electronics, people must dig in mines, and are also put into harsh conditions. "Workers must handle heavy loads, are exposed to toxic chemicals, and must use dangerous tools. In places like the Democratic Republic of Congo, miners are forced by armed groups to work, and the profits of these mines fuel armed conflict in-country" (Free2Work, np).
By sending this petition, (once it's completed), to the Secretary of Labor, Thomas E. Perez, we are hoping to see a law made that combats forced and child labor and illegalizes products made in this way. Please sign our petition and help us reach our goal. Also, check out our video on YouTube, titled Social Injustice in the Modern World. Thank you.