Stop Herr Lane ReZoning Now
Stop the rezoning which would place an extremely dense collection of homes next to pre-existing homes on a two-lane road which experiences long lines of traffic near 4 schools daily! Let your voice be heard against excessive growth without proper placement and boundaries at 1920 and 1922 Herr Lane. Contact Ms. Dante St. Germain, Louisville Metro case manager for 22-zone 0073 *******Your full mailing address must accompany your signature! ******
We are not opposed to an appropriate development that would be in harmony with the characteristics of our neighborhood. The Current Proposed Bull Run Development would:
Fail to blend compatibly with the existing landscape of single family homes.
Use materials and design that clash terribly with the current neighborhood form.
Allow for no buffer of reasonable open space, vegetative margins or transition of densities.
Create landscaping and fencing that will not adequately reduce the negative impacts to air quality, noise and lighting pollution to nearby homes or the Nature Preserve behind All Peoples Church.
Not be in compliance with onsite management and treatment of stormwater.
Add too much traffic to an overly congested Herr Ln that has no certain improvement in sight. And many more crass infringements on a goal of good stewardship of the land usage.