Every individual in the country called BELIZE is in a state of a tyrannical Government violating it's citizenry, we are being forced to comply and/or forfeit freedom of access to ALL public places and buildings.
This is a RED FLAG that proves our Government is infringing on our inalienable rights and sovereignty, this is irrefutably an irrational unethical POLICY. We the individuals that call this land home, have brought this Government Corporation to its feet, we the individuals that are home to this land WILL honorably be respected to have continuity of life.
In response to public remarks made on the 9th day of Sept 2021 by Michel Hannah Chebat, Jr during the open Your eyes morning show interview, in regards to the Policy promised for to take effect on the 1st October 2021. The said policy of the sitting Government seeks to restrict the freedom of movement for any and all citizens who are unable to produce a Covid19 Vaccine Card, or are unable to produce a negative PCR result. Michel Hannah Chebat, Jr went on to verbally express that individuals not in compliance would be unable to enter into public places of business. We recognize that by means of the terms vocalized and presented to the wider public that Michelle Hanna Chebat on Behalf of the Government wishes to contract with the Belizean Public.
We further recognize that failure to respond in writing to the terms verbally offered within 72 hours expressing our dissent would be seen as silence and ultimately our consent to the above terms tendered vocally by Chebat.
Be advised that ALL individuals that sign this petition do not consent and shall not comply with these unreasonable policies. We and all living beings presently residing on the lands called Belize hereby declare that you have lost any and all confidence to represent any of us. Therefore, be it known, that you have verbally contracted with the public and we hereby via this Writ express extreme dissent and Zero Vote of confidence in any and all of your Pandemic Related Policies.
The freedoms allotted to us by the Almighty God are non-negotiable and are unalienable, therefore we suggest that you on behalf of the Prime Minister and your Government consider altogether abandoning the Idea of a vaccine CARD and PCR requirement If, and only if, you have abandoned the Vaccine CARD and PCR requirement, then we every being standing under our authority will recognize you as the Minister of Health and your Government as non-tyrannical. The above listed terms are fair, equitable and just and would be satisfactory for the continuity of Life and as such does not trespass any rights and freedoms.
Without pretense
For the Men and Women of the soil