Stop Lancaster Farms and Heritage Properties pollution at our Oasis on the Palouse
The Schierman family sanctuary is a private park, wildlife habitat and newborn event venue and ecotourism destination. Wintertime guests and residents of the Oasis need your help to end the neighboring farmers indoor garbage burning and use of unapproved stove and stove pipe (elevator leg) during the winter and early spring. We believe the general smell comes from burning power poles with creosote on them and the creosote soot stuck to the elevator leg walls. The smell is foul whether he is burning garbage or not, but we can tell when he puts garbage or creosote soaked wood in it because it stinks even worse. The stench is always nauseating when he is burning. Sometimes they let it burn after they leave, day and night. We are unable to work outside or in the backstage shed, shop, barn, or studio during the use of the stove because it makes us feel sick. We have to plan around the times that they are polluting. It is destroying a long list of opportunities for ourselves and our guests when they are burning. We cannot even open the windows to the house for fresh air on a nice spring day when he has it burning. It permeates our clothing, so we can smell it on ourselves even when we are in the house. There isn't any fresh air on at least half of our property (40 acres total) when Lancaster Farms Inc. is utilizing the stove in the shed leased to them by Heritage Properties, LLC. The reason we smell it so often is because the shed is in line (right across the road) with the prevailing wind and it inverts into our treed and wind broken park property. If we can get rid of the smoke pollution, we'll gladly pick up all of his trash that blow onto our property and the county road ourselves.
Tom Schierman's photography site
The Oasis-Schierman's sanctuary presentation