Stop Methane Waste in New Mexico!

People of faith and conscience are concerned for health of our communities and sacred creation. We support a state directive to end wasteful practices like venting, leaking and flaring of methane gas in the oil and gas industry because this is a moral concern with many implications for creation and communities. This practice wastes up to $244 million in salable gas every year and tens of millions more in tax and royalty revenue that could be invested in New Mexico’s education system. Methane is also a potent natural gas that contributes to climate change and pollution. In the last 4 years New Mexico has produced half of the US methane waste on federal and tribal lands and 93% of the waste was AVOIDABLE.
If you are a member of a faith community or an organization, please add that information in the comment line after signing the petition.
New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light
PO Box 27162, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87125