Stop NSU College of Pharmacy Mandatory Attendance!

Right now, NSU has been an ideal place for students who have different ways of learning. Some students prefer going to class and benefit from that choice. Some students benefit from using the technology that we are paying for and learning it on their own time. That's one reason why many students decided to go to NSU. We are adults and should be able to learn in the way that is most efficient to us with the tools we are given. There are many students that are getting good grades, involved in many organizations, and also have a job. By forcing us to come to class everyday, the flexibility many of us wanted when we applied to NSU is being taken away, and that will only make it harder to learn.
Not to mention the disadvantages it will create for all the people that will have to drive long distances, the logistics of keeping attendance, and the language barriers. Even the native English speakers have problems understanding some of the professors. For these reasons, mandatory attendance feels like a waste of time when we can do it at home, where we're able to speed up or slow down the professor to adjust the lectures for ourselves.
Also, some professors know they have "Sharkmedia" as a backup and fly through the slides to not fall behind. They sometimes don't even have time to answer questions students have during lecture. Sadly, some professors just read from a PowerPoint or Word Document for 2 hours. Classes need to be more engaging, and attendance should be an incentive, not a punishment used on people that just want to learn in a different way.