Stop From Breaching Lifetime Referral Terms!
Arron Lowe 0

Stop From Breaching Lifetime Referral Terms!

1687 signers. Add your name now!
Arron Lowe 0 Comments
1687 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now launched in 2016 and, as a way to generate custom and build their business, offered everyone a 5% LIFETIME referral commission for any creators they brought to the site. The agreement terms were that referrers would receive 5% gross of all earnings from each creator they referred to the platform for LIFE, with no cap on the amount earned....

This “lifetime” referral agreement was promoted for four years by Only Fans - they heavily marketed the scheme on their website, social media channels, YouTube, online and in the press, etc. (see the image attached).

Seeing it as a good revenue opportunity, many people Worldwide - including reputable talent agencies, model managers, photographers and fellow creators - worked hard on recruiting creators to the site, helping make Only Fans the huge success it is today. Not only did thousands of referrers dedicate hours/days/weeks/years to promoting the site and encouraging new creators to join - many invested additional time in coaching new creators, helping them shoot and edit content, organising media coverage/publicity, designing marketing artwork, arranging social media promotion, planning photography trips and so much more!

A vast amount of people made Only Fans lifetime referral commission scheme their full-time business, working hundreds of hours each month, bringing thousands upon thousands of new creators to the site! And many have come to rely on the 5% referral income as their main source of earnings.

However, on 1st May 2020 - despite allegedly seeing a 15% traffic rise in users/creators in the past week, an increase in profit and having 25Million+ registered users - Only Fans suddenly announced they were terminating the “lifetime” referral commission scheme, blantantly breaching the original terms of agreement.

Despite previously confirming to thousands of referrers in writing that they would earn 5% gross LIFETIME referral commission, Only Fans will now terminate the income after 12 months - or when the referrer earns $50k per creator (whichever comes first).

Due to Coronavirus, times are hard and many people are really suffering financially. Thousands of Only Fans referrers rely solely on their referral income to survive and pay bills, etc.

Whilst Only Fans’ profits continue to grow during the Covid-19 pandemic and new creators join the platform every minute, they have shown little regard for the many referrers who helped build their business by unethically taking away income away from them and breaking the agreement terms. Only Fans greed and lack of integrity and compassion is disgusting!

Referrers who referred creators to Only Fans prior to 1st May 2020 in return for an unlimited 5% LIFETIME gross commission must unite and protest against the immoral breach of agreement terms committed by Only Fans!

We must fight to have our previous agreement terms reinstated and stand tall against this greedy, dishonest and selfish company until they see the error of their ways.

Please show your support by signing this petition now and let’s fight for our well-deserved income!!

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