Stop Political Interference and Mismanagement in the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies in Zagreb, Croatia

Stop Political Interference and Mismanagement in the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies in Zagreb, Croatia

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Troubled by information from the Croatian media that the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies in Zagreb, Croatia is a victim of political pressures, and related mismanagement we ask the Minister of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia to appoint, in accordance with Croatian laws, a new Managing Board of the Institute which will enable the Institute’s normal functioning.

The Croatian media have reported that the Institute has fared poorly in the reaccreditation process lead by the Croatian Agency for Science and Education. It was also reported that the Managing Boards of the Institute, whose members are predominantly appointed by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, have annulled three consecutive public calls for a new director of the Institute. In this process, the Managing Boards of the Institute have rejected the recommendations of the Institute’s Scientific Council composed of researchers working at the Institute.

We believe that the functioning of any public scientific institute should be free of political interference. We also believe that the Institute for Migration and Ethnic Studies in Zagreb should have a director who enjoys support from the majority of researchers if it is to improve its scientific record. This is why we strongly urge the Minister of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia to apply all legal measures to enable the normal functioning of the Institute. This includes appointing a new Managing Board for whom professional standards are above political interests.

Zaustavite političko uplitanje i loše upravljanje u Institutu za migracije i narodnosti u Zagrebu

Uznemireni informacijama iz hrvatskih medija da je Institut za migracije i narodnosti u Zagrebu postao žrtvom političkih pritisaka i lošeg upravljanja, tražimo Ministricu znanosti i obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske da imenuje, u skladu s hrvatskim zakonima, novo Upravno vijeće Instituta koje će omogućiti normalno funkcioniranje Instituta.

Hrvatski mediji su izvijestili da je Institut loše ocijenjen u procesu reakreditacije koji vodi Agencija za znanost i visoko obrazovanje. Također su izvijestili da su Upravna vijeća Instituta, čije članove većinom imenuje Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja, poništila tri uzastopna javna natječaja za imenovanje ravnatelja Instituta. U tom su procesu Upravna vijeća Instituta odbila preporuke Znanstvenog vijeća kojeg čine istraživači zaposleni u Institutu.

Vjerujemo da funkcioniranje bilo kojeg javnog znanstvenog instituta treba biti oslobođeno političkog uplitanja. Također vjerujemo da Institut za migracije i narodnosti treba imati ravnatelja koji uživa podršku većine istraživača, kako bi Institut poboljšao svoj znanstveni rad. Zato snažno potičemo Ministricu znanosti i obrazovanja da upotrijebi sve zakonske mjere kako bi omogućila normalno funkcioniranje Instituta. To uključuje imenovanje novog Upravnog vijeća kojima su profesionalni standardi iznad političkih interesa.

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