Stop Prison Abuse
It is a common belief that the U.S. prison system has standards in place which protect prisoners against abuse. The current system (the Administrative Grievance Procedure) by which prisoners file complaints against prison officials does not safeguard them from abuse and rights violations. This system utterly fails to protect inmates from abuse.
It is a common belief that health care to prisoners is also monitored and that standards are upheld. But health care to prisoners is poor, inadequate, and hurtful to both prisoners and the general public.
A thorough and independent investigation into the Federal Bureau of Prisons would find: the use of excessive force and physical punishment, lack of adequate medical and mental health care, and lack of both education and rehabilitation programs. It is a self-policed system rife with corruption, and one that is hostile toward the well being of prisoners.
People can make terrible mistakes in their lives — some with tragic, irredeemable costs. They are incarcerated in prison as punishment, not to be punished. Former New York Times columnist, Bob Herbert wrote: “Very few Americans have raised their voices in opposition to our shameful prison policies. And I’m convinced that’s primarily because the inmates are viewed as less than human.”
Help change this mind set. Demand an end to the abuse and neglect of those incarcerated in U.S. federal and state prisons. Demand that they be treated humanely.
Please sign this petition, urging Congress to exercise its authority to investigate the abuse and neglect (physical, psychological, and medical) of federal prisoners — investigations which will in turn bring scrutiny and change to state-run prisons.
We, the undersigned, urge our representatives in Congress to launch an intense and thorough investigation into the Federal Bureau of Prisons. There are over 200,000 incarcerated within this system which operates void of public scrutiny. We care about those now incarcerated who will one day be released and will need to readjust and contribute to our communities.