Stop Resolution No. 23-1021
1918 LLC has requested annexation for land and for industrial revenue bonds and tax phase-in for the construction of a 320,000 square foot beef processing and packaging production facility on approximately 60 acres of a 138 acre site located near the northwest corner of 167th Street & 169 Highways.
The Applicant requests a 10-year, 50% property tax phase-in in conjunction with the issuance of the City’s industrial revenue bonds. This project is applying for and falls under the City’s tax abatement policy (Policy F-5, Resolution 22-1080).
The single series of bonds for the project is requesting $257,000,000 in industrial revenue bonds for the construction of a 320,000 square foot beef production facility on 60 acres of land. This facility would use sustainable design solutions and provide the application with reliability and flexibility in raw material storage and finished production handling systems.
The facility is projected to create 2.7 Million Gallons of sewage per month. The facility will also use over 7 million gallons of water per month.
We as residents of Nottington Creek Homeowners Association stand against this proposal because this is our backyard. The city has already encroached on the residential area by allowing warehouses across the road from our 175th St entrance. An industrial meat packing facility near our neighborhood is likely to increase traffic, create foul odors, impact our utility usage, and reduce home values.
edit: this will not be a kill site and we have been assured there will not be an odor.