Stop Scratch 3.0 and just convert the 2.0 editor to HTML5

The Problem
On January 3rd, the Scratch coding editor will recieve the 3.0 update. This has massively changed the editor, added useless new blocks and removed functional old ones, ruined the sound editor and made animating and art extremely hard. With Adobe Flash being ended in 2020, a lot of people claim that this has saved Scratch. While the switch to HTML5 from Flash is good, why was the whole editor revamped, rather than just porting the 2.0 editor into HTML5?
Also, many people I have spoken to about this have said that there's always the offline editor. I have tried using it, but the files often get damaged, it is missing many functionalities from the normal editor and most files I make in it can't be uploaded to the website as it says the file is 'damaged'.
1). The Scratch Team must just port 2.0 into HTML5 and scrap 3.0
2). The Scratch Team must port 2.0 into HTML5, but let users choose between using the 2.0 and 3.0 editors.
Personal story
Hello. My name is Will, but on Scratch I go by the name ‘kittenslikefood’. When I first tried out the 3.0 Beta, I realised many functional parts of the 2.0 editor were removed, but lots of useless blocks were added. Myself, ieb123 and DEEmanDEE all agree, along with many others, that 3.0 must be changed. If nothing is done about it, many of Scratch’s older users will leave, and the new editor seems like it’s aimed at 6-8 year-olds, rather than Scratch’s main demographic 12-16. Also, apparently it runs better on tablets, but why ruin it for the 95% of users using a PC just to accommodate to a tiny percentage of people using touchscreen devices? Please sign if you agree that 3.0 must be stopped.
~~ Will/KLF
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