Stop Silver Price Rigging by The Silver Institute
Max Baker 0

Stop Silver Price Rigging by The Silver Institute

Max Baker 0 Comments
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Silver and the US dollar are incompatible asset classes. They are diametrically opposed; Silver is the opposite of the US dollar because it can't be printed. The Silver Institute's Paul Bateman and Mike DiRienzo have participated in an elaborate scheme, posing as imposters and stating they are an advocacy group for Silver. We have proof they never had any intention of promoting Silver. This is evidenced by their World Silver Survey, which is fraudulent, deceptive, and chalked with poor research methodologies. The entire scam is based on reporting on uses of Silver that are Measly compared to Silver's role in the Military and Aerospace. Misleading the public for 20 years has cost silver investors billions if not trillions, and this act of betrayal will be taken as far as need be.

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