STOP Smoking and START Living

There are so many ways to enjoy our life and smoking is NOT part of it. Smoking kills! We all want to live long right? If you smoke you are softly killing yourself, think about your FAMILY! Your parents, children (if you have), husband/wife (if you also have), they love you so much and for sure they don't want to lose you, BUT do you want to lose them? Did you know that when you smoke you are inhaling hundreds of chemicals And when you exhale, thousandsof chemicals are being exhaled to you which can be inhaled by your family or other people (or called, the second hand smokers) around you or EVEN YOU! Basically you're also killing people. Don't you realize that it's really not your money who's paying the price! It's YOU! It's like you're paying money to kill yourself! Our body is the temple of God, He entrusted us to take care of it, to use it in the right way, so we should do what is right in the sight of God. DON'T PAY THE PRICE! So, STOP Smoking and START Living!