The Beaubassin-Est Rural Town Council (BERC) is proposing to create a custom-designed new zoning category to allow 12 trailers and accompanying structures to be placed on a lot in Cap Brûlé adjacent to Parlee Beach in a Provincially Significant Wetland. We ask the BERC to VOTE NO to the proposed bylaw. The proposed change gives unfair, preferential treatment for a corporately-owned parcel to the detriment of the larger community and the environment. Everyone should obey the same set of rules – the rules should not be custom-tailored for those who seem to have undue influence! The planned development would harm the coastal environmental ecosystem and increase traffic, noise and pollution. This would also set a dangerous precedent, making it easier for the BERC to enact such changes for any property within Beaubassin-Est, or to easily increase the number of allowed trailers on the property well beyond the proposed 12 trailers. This change would give preferential treatment to one developer to the detriment of the larger community and should be stopped!
Some questions:
Why the special treatment for the developer?
What impact will this have on the Provincially Significant Wetlands on the property?
Why the rush to pass this change without evaluating the effects on well water in the area?
Who will pay for the extra wear and tear on the roads with the extra traffic?
Why are there no environmental impact studies for the development?