![Stop the abuse! Merton priory homes and Merton social services supporting child abuse IT HAS TO STOP](https://cdn.ipetitions.com/user-images/petitions/stop-the-abuse-merton-priory-homes-and-merton/huxruqDR36wBg7fbugC2_image.jpg)
Stop the abuse! Merton priory homes and Merton social services supporting child abuse IT HAS TO STOP
This petition is agains Merton priory homes and Merton social and services who continue to allow my next door neighbour to physically and mentally abuse her children despite being arrested on several occasions!!! The women has also attacked me several times once of which I was heavily pregnant! And ahe has harrassed me for almost 4years with council doing very little to help me! She has put threatening notes outside me door... Laughed at my 3year old telling her SHE WILL CRY BLOOD! When she fell off her bike outside. Told me that she will burn me and my children's house down whilst we sleep and even verbally and physically attacked my guests on the day of my mothers funeral! I have also heard her daughter beg and plee for help and her mother beating her for eating some grapes she left in the fridge whilst she went to work leaving the child home alone all day! With no food the girl is now 9years old but the lady has left home alone since she was 6 years old most times upto 14 hours a day! Police kicked off the door when she was 7 and found the house rat and maggot infested with the little girl home alone naked wrapped in a curtain cold! The mother was then arrested for neglect. These are all facts as I also entered the property and have looked after the children and kept them calm alongside the police when the women has been arrested as we wait for children services to collect them . Another neighbourhood called police reporting the little girl screaming for help as the mother tortured the little girls eyes! And I have heard the women telling the daughter she is the devil and nobody loves her and if she tells the police what her mum is doing she will kill her! I hear her son crying and the women constantly crus back at him or screams at him to shut up! One time he was crying and I heard her shout shut up then a huge bang and the baby went silent I had to immodestly call police as I was so scared for him! This is just a short amount of things that have happens to them poor children and yet social services continue to return them! Me and my children are suffering at the hands of the crazy women even resulting in my daughter having nightmares and has started wetting the bed! The council are doing nothing and are happy for us to live like this so I am Now making a stand please sign the petition if you support and leave your comments