Stop the Bullying!!
This petition has been created to make sure bullies are held accountable for their actions.We have so many children taking their own livesdue to the mental distress caused from being bullied, and no one is being held accountable.Adolescents should also have to fear some variation of a repercussion as adults do. Adults who bully other adults could be criminally charged with harassment, slander, or even assault in some cases. For adolescentsto be allowed to continue these detrimental acts is preposterous and sickening. Educational institutions should be advanced to the point where they can better handle these situations. If these institutions do not take it upon themselves to correct the handling of these matters, then the institution themselves should be held accountable. Parents, of the bullied and the bullies, depend on the schools to inform them of anything that is going on in their child’s life that could have a negative effect on their children. Please sign this petition, which is requesting for the government to get involved and pass legislation that will hold parents and schools accountable for not regulating the actions and behaviorof their children and students.Adolescents should know what the consequences of their actionsare and be disciplined accordingly.The number of victims continues to rise, therefore action needs to be taken now!!