Hydro One has slapped a "delivery charge" on our bills since the so called "de-regulation" . Th e Delivery Charge is usually up to 3 times the amount of each households ACTUAL electricity usage. So if your electricity usage is $40 your bill will be around $120 dollars mostly because of the 'delivery charge' not to mention the "ontario debt charge" and other added charges to our bills. The Delivery Charge is constantly increasing. There is no end in sight to this robbery. Please read your hydro bills. Look at the breakdown. You will see the "delivery charge " and its astronomical price in comparison to the actual electricity usage. I have contacted mpp's, hydro one, the press , political leaders..and all they send me are links to "understand my bill". Unfortunately, I understand it all to well and am asking "where is the promised competition" since the deregulation and why is this delivery charge TRIPLE THE AMOUNT OF OUR ACTUAL ELECTRICITY USAGE? No answer from them. More links. Even if you purchase electricity from some other new provider, you will still pay the delivery charge, they have no control over that- they only provide the electricity at their rates, but the delivery charge will eat up your money still. It is time THIS STOPS. We are living in a democratic modern society not a country where the government can steal money from us through legal games. Politicians will not do anything about it because the Province gets dividends from Hydro One through these charges.
Think of it this way, when you go to buy bread and milk from the store, do you also pay for the road that the truck is driving on, the truck that delivered it to you and the debt that the store may have, raising your bill from perhaps $5 bucks to $20 bucks instead, for bread and milk. Please sign this petition to show we are educated self-respecting citizens of Ontario, not sheep. I am in favour of reducing Ontario's debt, my debt, any debt - but not when you charge mea "delivery charge" that costs 3 TIMES MOREthen the ACTUAL electricityI use.Please sign this as a first step in getting rid of the delivery charge.