Stop the Grafton and Upton Railroad LPG Facility

We, as residents of Grafton, hereby petition to prohibit the construction of the proposed massive 320,000 gallon LPG storage/Trans-Loading facility at 42 Westborough Road, North Grafton. We believe this facility should be prohibited for the following reasons:
1. Its close proximity to homes in this residentially zoned neighborhood.
2. Its close proximity to the North Grafton Elementary School, Nelson Park, and Library.
3. The risk of explosion at the facility and its catastrophic effects.
4. The Town of Grafton's lack of a full time Fire Department.
5. The proposed use of used tanks, which are reportedly over 50 years old.
6. The suspected corroded condition of these tanks.
7. The transport of these tanks, each weighing between 228,000 lbs. to 244,000 lbs., over the two old bridges that cross the Bummet Brook.
8. The location of this facility entirely within the town's Water Supply Overlay District.
9. The safety risk of the projected 1,000s of trucks per year that would be traveling through the Town's roads.
10. The detrimental effect that these trucks would have on the Town's roads.
11. The potential terrorism target that this facility would pose.
12. The diminished property values for area homes.
13. The resultant decreased tax revenues for the Town of Grafton.
14. The increase in Home Owners insurance for area residents.
This petition is also in paper form. If you have signed the paper petition do not sign this one as well.