Stop the quarry development next to Sunlight Waters
Stop the quarry development next to Sunlight Waters. This production may pollute the Water District 7 aquifer.
A local family in business as Gibson and Son / Elkheights Cement Products LLC currently are operating a gravel pit alongside Sunlight Drive one block south of the Sunlight Waters community of 300 owners and residents. Gibson and Son have applied to the Washington Department of Ecology (DOE) for a permit to expand their operations and install a concrete and hot mix asphalt operation.
We, the homeowners, are directly affected by this commercial operation, which could damage our drinking water, further damage our water distribution system, cause fly-ash/asphalt chemical and other air quality problems.
We request that the WA DOE require an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and deny the permit for this commercial activity on land that is zoned for range/forest.
The DOE will accept our comments until June 3, 2016.
Please sign this petition and share with people who may be affected.