Stop the use of metal batons by Animal Services/ better training for ACOs
It was recently revealed that EPACO's have been using retractable "police" metal batons against stray dogs. After speaking with the supervisor, she informed me they call them "bite sticks" and are only suppose to be used as a last resort. We witnessed an ACO use it as her first choice on a scared (not aggressive) female dog. By doing so she injured the dog. This same office was allowed to go back to the dogs location and secure her, leaving blood on the residents drive way.
This petition is to let the city know this is not an appropriate tool to use against a scared dog. They need more training than a 12 hour certification, which includes dog body language and behavior .
Yes officers should be able to protect themselves and would be able to with proper training.
Yes there are aggressive dogs in the city, but there are far more scared and frightened dogs, and the Officers should be trained to know the difference. There are other tools that can be used, that don't further traumatize the dog or cause injury.
This must be rectified now so no other animals suffer abuse by the entity that is supose to help them.