Stop too much homework at Wakefield
During covid 19 students at Wakefield and the United States of America are struggling to get their homework done. During class it Is hard to pay attention and focus and a lot of times you don't get your work to especially during online learning. After school they should not have to be doing homework for another five hours. Their is a pandemic going on and at home their is wifi problems and students are staring at screens for too long. students should be having at least thirty minutes outside time a day. Especially in hard AP classes students should not be getting the same difficulty of assignments students should at the most be doing 2.5 hours of homework a night. It's just not fair we need to lower the amount of homework students do. It's making them more stressed, it's taking away from fun activities, and Monday is technically a weekend with TA and office hours you should not have a timed assignment or any assignment that you need to start and finish on Monday. Please sign this and make Wakefield less stressful.