No more B.S.L. for Erie County
Robin Claudio 0

No more B.S.L. for Erie County

28 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Robin Claudio 0 Comments
28 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Erie County is a community of dog lovers. We, the citizens, are respectfully asking for the chance to prove that we are responsible pet owners. We want the right to choose any breed. We also ask that the city use other methods to determine a dog\'s aggression or the danger they might pose. These methods may include, but not limited to: Having proper training for our pets; getting them spayed or neutered; also keeping their rabies and temperament shots up to date, and proper confinement. We believe our 4th, 5th, 8th, and 14th amendment constitutional rights are being violated. Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) criminalizes U.S. citizens. It is cruel and unjust punishment. We are asking the city of Sandusky to repeal this ordinance The ordinance places restrictions on specific breeds referred to as


Erie County is a community of dog lovers. We, the citizens, are respectfully asking for the chance to prove that we are responsible pet owners. We want the right to choose any breed. We also ask that the city use other methods to determine a dog\'s aggression or viciousness. These methods may include, but not limited to: Having proper training for our pets; getting them spayed or neutered; also keeping their rabies and temperament shots up to date, and proper confinement. We believe our 4th, 5th, 8th, and 14th amendment constitutional rights are being violated. Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) criminalizes U.S. citizens. It is cruel and unjust punishment. We are asking the city of Sandusky to repeal this ordinance The American Temperament Test Society has available results of dogs tested by them. As of December 2000, the following results were found: (Number of dogs tested) [Percent of dogs passed] American Pit Bull Terrier (327) [82.3%] American Staffordshire Terrier (397) [81.6%] Golden Retriever (576) [81.9%] Labrador Retriever (561) [90.4%] Shetland Sheepdog (411) [66.9%] Collie (666) [78.2%] This can be verified with the A.T.T.S. by calling them at (314)869-6103 or on the web at PUNISH THE DEED~NOT THE BREED!

Links - ** Bill A2906 \"Responsible Pit Bull Ownership Licensing Act\" ** - ** Stop Dog Discrimination Petition ** - Petiton regarding BSL - \"Oppose Breed Specific Legislation!\" - ** Miami BSL Petition ** - ** New York Petition ** - ** This bill provides the authority for a municipality to regulate the ownership of pit bulls and pit bull type dogs. **[partnerID]=1&sign[memberID]=749965059&sign[partner_userID]=749965059 -
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