Stop Motokazie
We, the undersigned residents of Rice County, oppose the three CUP applications filed by Lee Theis, on behalf of Motokazie, Inc., to be considered by the Rice County Board of Planning and Zoning at its meeting on April 7, 2011, for the following reasons:
We believe that because the proposed project does not include any significant commercial buildings, the loss of valuable agricultural land is not worth the minimal increase in the county's property tax base; therefore, the proposed project is not consistent with Rice County's Comprehensive Plan, and is not consistent with the needs of Rice County.
We believe that because of the large amount of grading and filling that is proposed, the land will not be capable of being restored to agricultural use in the future. If the proposed project is not successful and Motokazie, Inc., discontinues its use of the property, the property will not be marketable and will likely become a wasteland where once fertile agricultural land lay. Because of such a foreseeable scenario, we believe that the proposed use is not compatible with the need to conserve agricultural land in Rice County as is stated in the County's Comprehensive Plan.
Based on the data compiled by Rice County resident Andreas Thurnheer, we believe that the noise levels generated by the proposed project will greatly exceed the limits set by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), which require daytime decibel limits of 80 (L10) and 75 (L50). Therefore, we believe that the proposed project is not compatible with surrounding uses, and as such that the proposed project will have a detrimental effect of the quality of life and home and real estate values of those residents currently residing near the proposed project site.
Based on the number of event day visitors projected by Motokazie, Inc. at Table 6-1 of its EAW, we believe that the Traffic Impact Study conducted by Motokazie, Inc., grossly underestimates the increase in traffic that will occur on not only CSAH 9, but also Acorn Trail (County Road 76), Bachrach Avenue (County Road 83), and State Highway 3. Because of this, we believe that the proposed project will create an unreasonable burden on public facilities, and that the proposed project will cause traffic hazards and congestion.