Don't sign the BP deal! Involve the public!
PETITION TO THE CHANCELLOR OF UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA - BERKELEY With respect to the formation of the Energy Bioscience Institute, we, the undersigned students, faculty, and staff of the University of California -- Berkeley, and citizens of California draw the attention of the Chancellor of the University of California -- Berkeley to our concerns that 1.Students, faculty, and the public have a right to greater participation in decisions regarding large deals with BP and other corporate funders. 2.The Energy Bioscience Institute may contribute to economic, social, and environmental impacts and injustices through the development and promotion of new biofuel and GMO technologies, projects and/or programs. 3.As a public institution, information and technology developed by UCB is the property of the general public, and in order to insure academic integrity UCB activities and decisions must be conducted independently of large corporate interests. Therefore, your petitioners call upon the Chancellor of University of California -- Berkeley to 1.Hold public forums to discuss and debate the agreement between UCB and BP, and make all information about the agreement and proposal process fully available. 2.Not sign the agreement with BP establishing the Energy Bioscience Institute prior to receiving consent, comments, and amendments from a representative student-faculty body. 3.Provide more equity in funding between different fields of sustainability research so UCB continues to meet its mission as an institution with a strong breadth of academic and research strengths. 4.Develop policies and procedures that include students and faculty in open discussions and reviews regarding the sustainability and ethical implications of future private-public ventures.