Stop Cap, Trade & Tax Legislation

SIGN THE PETITION TO STOP CAP & TRADE This petition effort is brought to you by: http://www.OurCountryPAC.org It's time to fight back against the cap and trade bill that will saddle Americans with thousands of dollars in new taxes, fees, and and costs each year. This bill has already passed the House of Representatives and now it is going to the Senate. We need to stop this tax-laden bill now! This legislation is little more than an attempt by liberals to engage in social engineering - imposing Big Government, massive tax increases and a "nanny state" where the government tells you how much energy you may consume, and where you may obtain it from. Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid have attempted to push through this legislation under the guise of needed action to address supposed anthropogenic (man-made) global warmimg. However, when analysts at the EPA wrote that the evidence was lacking to support such drastic actions, the Obama administration attempted to silence them. (CBS News: http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2009/06/26/politics/politicalhotsheet/entry5117890.shtml) Please - sign the petition and forward it on to your friends, post to blogs, and discussion forums. We will be submitting the petitions to members of the U.S. Senate as they take up debate over this bill.